Time to be clear: Prepare thine ass

Prepare thine ass aft thine soule. Clearly born in the wrong century. There’s still a little time to prepare. For what’s next. “The Event”. Some of us can name it but others only know their daily trepidation. They spoke of these particular heebies and jeebies before the last Great War…and the one after.

SO! What the heck is going on?

  • “Dark Winter” motif, designed to prime your mind for turbulence
  • NYC public service announcements for nuclear attack
  • Cyberwar pre-programming
    • pre-programming: a media ploy of repetition designed to control how you react to a preplanned event


The Quick and Dirty

It is pretty late in the game, and unless you’re loaded or already planning to, relocating may be out of the question. I’m not saying everywhere won’t be terrible, but everyone knows which cities should have a wide berth. W i d e.

Here’s a few items to help with the basics of staying prepared; it is the most bare bones one I could muster and doesn’t include big ticket items like domiciles, heavy weaponry, or vehicles. A quick ask of Mr Google and you can find both extensive lists, and even kits (again, if you’re loaded)

  • Water filters and containers, potable water tabs as well
  • Battery banks (like by Jackery)
  • Foldable, portable solar panel (like Big Blue)
  • Shortwave radio for updates
  • Medical handbooks, many are even designed for prepping+outdoor use
  • Foragable guidebooks, not just for your current region
  • Camping gear, regular type and some tactical things like waterproof flint sticks, tarps, good cording—in case you run out of propane or you need to make a shelter
  • Non perishables AND hunting gear, thinking tactically of course
  • Morale boosters: treats to stash, analogue entertainment like board games, art supplies, musical instruments, enjoyable AND useful reading material

Less Pleasant Scenarios

  • Dark Winters: Blackout: Something, a high altitude nuke or solar flare, ends all exposed electronics. There are very few items not reduced to paperweight status. This could be local or worldwide.
    • Europe: no Nordstream gas, no ‘lectric, “eco-friendly” farm reductions. I think 2021/2 was a light run of that. People suffered.
    • America: Same, with more guns and slightly more room to roam. Migration of people from cities. Those currently self sufficient thrive but must defend their assets.
    • World: Go read that WEF article I linked above. Wouldn’t a “hard reset” of civilization require we…turn it off and on again? A blackout would provide that moment. No one says how long they’ll need to transition, and make no mistake, this includes the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Value inquisitive people; I found out wiriting this that “Dark Winter” was also an exercise back in 2001—we al know how those can go hot.

  • The Impending Wars
    • Europe multinational conflict, already involves players from many nations. Anyone downplaying this ought to recall one time a politician in Sarajevo got shot and it ended with Hiroshima. Think about the long term. Study WWI and II. The pattern is evident!
    • America: What is this national divorce shit I’m seeing? Shit-stirring nonsense, any divorce would simply be the truce before civil conflict. Hope no one suspends habeus corpus this time. Edit: I found this article to be concise but precise regarding the language and societal conundrums faced by what he terms, “inevitable” He provides historical examples as well as an analysis of 3 positions. His viewpoint is unfamiliar to me because of schooling limitations (the one where they only teach what they want and show few counterpoints). Secession Is Inevitable. It’s about When, Not If | Mises Wire
  • Utopia from Hell
    • Basically, they win. They do things however they want; you follow rules or recieve hardlined punishment. Could also call this the Guided Cage scenario. Of course, it’ll be for your good, the common good, the frickin’ good of the trees and fairies. You don’t know better, so there will have to be force, coercion. You’ll own nothing and be happy? Right?

Prepare the best and worst: Self-Educate

Remember that PSA from NYC? This old school bunker pro is countering advice given to citizens:

Get that physical. Stock up, please, stock up on vital medicines. Ways to store them. Veterinary equivalents and dosages and even some sort of replacement you may need in desperation. Stay fit or get yourself in better shape. What’s Zombieland rule #1? C A R D I O. I wrote this part for me, running is boring.

The last 10 years reinforced that it is better to be prepared for something that doesn’t happen, rather than be caught with your pants down. It can be a lot of work, and costly if you let it. But it is necessary to learn whatever self-sufficiency you can. What’s coming will put the Pandemic into perspective—a training tool for consenting to weaponized control. Our endurance will build our own new civilization.